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[#0723] Chunk name generation bug

Submitted by:
0000-0001 [dev]

Status: Resolved

Provided information:

Sometimes there's this long chunk name that can generate and also crash the whole game

Attached files:

screenshot.png (380KB)


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0000-0004 [dev]
: set status to Resolved


0000-0004 [dev]
says: Why would you use a while loop for this


0000-0004 [dev]
says: Fuck okay let me see


0000-0000 [dev]
: [#0711] chunk with really weird name crashes game


0000-0000 [dev]
says: Yes, you have


0000-0004 [dev]
says: Nah we haven't shipped the named regions branch yet


0000-0006 [dev]
says: wait this isn't in a shipped build right?


0000-0006 [dev]
says: i love how the word wrapping function is going insane trying to wrap all this text
btw tried looking at that randomgen edge case in the namegen function?


0000-0006 [dev]
: set status to Accepted


0000-0006 [dev]
says: nvm it just happened


0000-0006 [dev]
: set status to Closed [wontfix]


0000-0006 [dev]
says: can't reproduce


0000-0004 [dev]
says: Yeah it stays like that for a few seconds and then crashes completely


0000-0006 [dev]
says: what


0000-0001 [dev]
: thread created