MINECRAFT EXTENSION 16.05 (MODIFICATION) GAME LOG This is the file you need to send to the bug tracker. Please add it as an attachment, do not copy it into a comment. Game version: -base: 1.1.0 -extension: 16.05_11 OS: Arch Linux 2010.5 (32-bit) [linux] JVM: 1.7.0_80 Technical specification: CPU: Intel Core i3-530 (amd64(x86_64 compat.) in IA-32 mode) - 2C(4T)@2.93GHz GPU: ATI Radeon HD 3410 (519MHz clk, 396MHz vram: 256MB VRAM) - compatible API: - OpenGL: 3.3 - Direct3D: (N/A [not supported by operating system]) Memory: 4096 MB ################################### [INFO] Extension 16.05 init [INFO] Compilation mode: [INFO] - debug output: VERBOSE [INFO] - hub connections: ENABLED [INFO] Operating system unknown, launching in legacy OpenGL mode [INFO] Connected to ext1605 servers (Production) [INFO] ####################### [INFO] CONNECTED TO PRODUCTION SERVER [INFO] [INFO] Logged in as JS_Sam1999 [INFO] ####################### [INFO] Authentication successful (id 20bc-308d) [INFO] Attmepting to load world ~/sslayer/.minecraft/saves/World2... [INFO] Spawned hub door [INFO] Spawned hub door [INFO] Spawned hub door [INFO] Spawned hub door [INFO] Spawned hub door [INFO] Spawned hub door [INFO] Spawned hub door [INFO] Stopping.... [INFO] Clean exit